viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Her first photography exposition...

Publicado por alicia en 16:45 3 comentarios
So, we're still waiting.  We weren't submitted last week and found out earlier this week that we weren't submitted again this week, due to the fact that our facilitator in country was with a family on their final trip, and she wasn't able to go meet with the judge.  We are supposed to be submitted to the judge this coming Wednesday, please pray that once our documents are submitted that they are all perfect, and that we don't have to re-do anything, or provide any additional documents.  The other thing we're waiting on is the fact that as of Sept. 1st some new requirements for adoption training have gone into effect.  We don't know yet if this will apply to us or not, and our agency hasn't gotten the final word yet on what exactly is being required by our region.  So lots of waiting, and I'm not feeling too patient. In fact I'm kind of over it. I miss my girls like crazy, I find myself in tears several times a day missing them, I just want to hug their little selves and kiss their little cheeks.  As I wash their little clothes and hang them in the closet, and put books for them on the shelves, it just breaks my heart that more time goes by where we're not with them.

Anyway, that's enough of that.  Just wanting to be real with my readers - if I still have any!  There's not been much for me to write about these days!!!  Just please be praying that we'll get back as quickly as we possibly can!! 

You might be wondering about the title of this blog post. Well, while on our first trip Dasha (Abigail) - LOVED my camera.  So I thought it would be really fun to show case her photography!  :)  It really is a work of photographic art... :)  So enjoy this photography by Dasha! Her first photography exhibit... :)


We are what WILLIS was talking about... Copyright © 2012 Design by Antonia Sundrani Vinte e poucos